--- author: Stéphane Laurent date: '2020-02-16' highlighter: 'pandoc-solarized' output: html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no md_document: preserve_yaml: True variant: markdown rbloggers: yes tags: 'R, datatables, javascript, shiny' title: Tooltips for the headers of a datatable in Shiny --- In this post, I show how to use the [qTip2](http://qtip2.com/) JavaScript library to create some tooltips on the headers of a `DT` datatable in Shiny, displaying some information about the columns, such as summary statistics. Firstly, we write a function returning some JavaScript code that creates some hidden `div` elements which will contain the contents of the tooltips. This function takes two arguments: `n`, the number of `div` elements to create (this will be the number of columns of the table), and `prefixID`; the i-th `div` will have the identifier `{prefixID}-{i}`. We also set a class to each `div`, namely `qtip-big`. ``` {.r .numberLines} createDiv <- function(n, prefixID){ sprintf(paste( "for(var i = 1; i <= %d; i++){", " var div;", sprintf(" var id = '%s-' + i.toString();", prefixID), " if(document.getElementById(id) === null){", " div = document.createElement('div');", " div.setAttribute('id', id);", " div.setAttribute('class', 'qtip-big');", " div.style.display = 'none';", " document.body.appendChild(div);", " }", "}", sep = "\n" ), n) } ``` ``` {.r} cat(createDiv(3, "TOOLTIP")) ## for(var i = 1; i <= 3; i++){ ## var div; ## var id = 'TOOLTIP-' + i.toString(); ## if(document.getElementById(id) === null){ ## div = document.createElement('div'); ## div.setAttribute('id', id); ## div.setAttribute('class', 'qtip-big'); ## div.style.display = 'none'; ## document.body.appendChild(div); ## } ## } ``` Now we write a function returning some JavaScript code that writes the contents of the `div` elements. It takes as arguments `dat`, the dataframe for the table, `i`, the index of a column of `dat`, and `prefixID` as in the function `createDiv`. If the `i`-th column is numeric, we fill the `div` element with some summary statistics of this column, otherwise the information we provide in the `div` element is the number of levels of the contents of the column, an enumeration of the levels (at most three), and the number of missing values. ``` {.r .numberLines} fillDiv <- function(dat, i, prefixID){ x <- dat[[i]] if(is.numeric(x)){ sprintf(paste( "var div = document.getElementById('%s-%d');", "var html = ' Min: %s
';", "html = html + ' Max: %s
';", "html = html + ' Mean: %s
';", "html = html + ' Std. dev.: %s
';", "html = html + ' Missing values: %d';", "div.innerHTML = html;", sep = "\n" ), prefixID, i, formatC(min(x, na.rm=TRUE)), formatC(max(x, na.rm=TRUE)), formatC(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)), formatC(sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)), sum(is.na(x))) }else{ if(is.factor(x)) x <- as.character(x) levels0 <- sort(unique(na.omit(x))) nlevels <- length(levels0) levels <- if(nlevels>3) c(levels0[1:2], levels0[nlevels]) else levels0 ncharMax <- 25 nchars <- nchar(levels) if(7+sum(nchars) > ncharMax){ levels[1] <- paste0("
", levels[1]) if(nlevels >= 2 && sum(nchars) > ncharMax){ levels[2] <- paste0("
", levels[2]) if(nlevels >= 3 && sum(nchars[2:3]) > ncharMax){ levels[3] <- paste0("
", levels[3]) } } } levelsSummary <- ifelse(nlevels > 3, paste0(c(levels[1], paste0(levels[2], ", ..."), levels[3]), collapse = ", "), paste0(levels, collapse = ", ")) sprintf(paste( "var div = document.getElementById('%s-%d');", "var html = ' Number of levels: %d
';", sprintf("html = html + ' Level%s: %%s
'", ifelse(nlevels==1, "", "s")), "html = html + ' Missing values: %d'", "div.innerHTML = html;", sep = "\n" ), prefixID, i, nlevels, levelsSummary, sum(is.na(x))) } } ``` ``` {.r} cat(fillDiv(iris, 1, "TOOLTIP")) ## var div = document.getElementById('TOOLTIP-1'); ## var html = ' Min: 4.3
'; ## html = html + ' Max: 7.9
'; ## html = html + ' Mean: 5.843
'; ## html = html + ' Std. dev.: 0.8281
'; ## html = html + ' Missing values: 0'; ## div.innerHTML = html; cat(fillDiv(iris, 5, "TOOLTIP")) ## var div = document.getElementById('TOOLTIP-5'); ## var html = ' Number of levels: 3
'; ## html = html + ' Levels:
setosa, versicolor, virginica
' ## html = html + ' Missing values: 0' ## div.innerHTML = html; ``` Finally we write a function returning the JavaScript code of the `qTip` tooltips. Its arguments are `n`, the number of columns of the table, and `prefixID` as before. ``` {.r .numberLines} tooltips <- function(n, prefixID){ settings <- sprintf(paste( "{", " overwrite: true,", " content: {", sprintf(" text: $('#%s-%%s').clone()", prefixID), " },", " show: {", " ready: false", " },", " position: {", " my: 'bottom %%s',", " at: 'top center'", " },", " style: {", " classes: 'qtip-youtube'", " }", "}", sep = "\n" ), 1:n) settings <- sprintf(settings, ifelse(1:n > n/2, "right", "left")) sprintf("var tooltips = [%s];", paste0(settings, collapse=",")) } ``` ``` {.r} cat(tooltips(2, "TOOLTIP")) ## var tooltips = [{ ## overwrite: true, ## content: { ## text: $('#TOOLTIP-1').clone() ## }, ## show: { ## ready: false ## }, ## position: { ## my: 'bottom left', ## at: 'top center' ## }, ## style: { ## classes: 'qtip-youtube' ## } ## },{ ## overwrite: true, ## content: { ## text: $('#TOOLTIP-2').clone() ## }, ## show: { ## ready: false ## }, ## position: { ## my: 'bottom right', ## at: 'top center' ## }, ## style: { ## classes: 'qtip-youtube' ## } ## }]; ``` Now we are ready to write the Shiny app. Put the files **jquery.qtip.min.css** and **jquery.qtip.min.js** in the **www** subfolder. We use the `shinyjs` package to run the JavaScript code with the function `runjs`. ``` {.r .numberLines} library(shiny) library(shinyjs) library(DT) CSS <- " .qtip-big { font-size: 15px; line-height: 18px; white-space: nowrap; word-spacing: 1px; } " ui <- fluidPage( tags$head( tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", href = "jquery.qtip.min.css"), tags$script(src = "jquery.qtip.min.js"), tags$style(CSS) ), useShinyjs(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), DTOutput("dtable") ) server <- function(input, output, session){ output[["dtable"]] <- renderDT({ dat <- iris for(i in 1:ncol(dat)){ runjs(createDiv(i, "TOOLTIP")) runjs(fillDiv(dat, i, "TOOLTIP")) } headerCallback <- c( "function(thead, data, start, end, display){", " var ncols = data[0].length;", tooltips(ncol(dat), "TOOLTIP"), " for(var i = 1; i < ncols; i++){", " $('th:eq(' + i + ')', thead).qtip(tooltips[i-1]);", " }", "}" ) datatable( dat, options = list( headerCallback = JS(headerCallback), columnDefs = list( list(className = "dt-center", targets = "_all") ) ) ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ![](./figures/DTqTip.gif)